move - live - love
Mixed Ability
These videos are currently suitable for mixed ability classes but potentially also suitable for beginners. Please watch the video first if unsure and use common sense at all times.
Please speak to your GP before exercising and ensure you have enough room
(4 sq meters) without obstruction, obstacles or distractions, and have access to ventilation and water.

Just Move
30 minute session
Full body workout
Mixed Ability
30 minute Session
Full body workout
Abdominal Series 1
Challenging 10 minute workout targeting your centre.
15 minute abdominal series. Suitable for those in good health with no pre-existing conditions of the spine, neck, bone density, prolapse or diastasis recti. Not suitable during pregnancy or post natal.
Not suitable for beginners.
Abdominal Series 2
A 10 minute abdominal series taken with the head down to work the deeper abdominals and gain control over the stabilisation of the pelvis and ribcage.
Standing Series Class Prep
Taken from weeks 3 and 4 in isolation this class starts standing and works you through some of our most popular moves in standing before translating them to the mat.
Abdominal Series 3
15 minute Challenging ab series - a little bit spicy!!. Suitable for those with the facility to lift the head and shoulders
Stretch & Mobilise 1
20 minute stretch routine. Gently mobilising the shoulders, neck and ankles. Stretching the glutes, spine and legs
Upper Back & Chest Release Tutorial
Grab a towel or a small weighted Pilates ball if you have one and learn how to release your thoracic spine using gentle extension whilst opening up the chest and shoulders.
Basic Mat Programme
35 minutes for a full body workout. Visiting some of the most popular original Pilates repertoire including Rolling Like a Ball.
Baked Beans Bone Health & Balance
Grab some baked beans, weighted mini balls, small weights or water bottles.
0.5 - 1kg is perfect (I like 0.5kg) for this bone healthy workout.
Great whether you have bone density issues or not and one of my most popular videos.
Enjoy, stay balanced and have fun!!
Squat Happy!
Strengthen the legs and glutes with this squat combo. Challenge balance as you work through the feet and hips and if you wish and are able, the option to challenge balancethrough a quad stretch is the show stopper!
If you have knee issues this may not be the one for you and if balance is yet to be mastered then please esure you hold onto something secure.
Shoulder Mobility 1
Mobilise the shoulders and open the chest with this 10 minute sequence. Suitable for most and potentially great for breast cancer survivors to increase mobility and keep the lymph moving. Not recommended if you have a shoulder injury - please consult with you GP or physio etc..
Office Workout
A short standing work out designed to break up your office day. Helping to mobilise, stretch and release areas that can be effected by staying in one position too long.
15 minute footwork and ankle strengthening and mobilising class.
One of the most important structural parts of the body. Vital to keep your feet strong and mobilised to help avoid injury and pain throughout the body and increase your balance. Strong feet also help to give you a better running and cycling technique and can keep you walking longer.
You will need bare feet, a wall or chair, tenis ball or small weighted ball, pencil and a piece of kitchen roll!
Bedtime Breather & Mobilise
A gentle 25 minutes of breath and movement to help calm down the nervous system and gently mobilise before bedtime or when you need to feel a little more at ease.
Wear something warm (pj's and a warm jumper may be perfect!) and you you may need a towel or cushion for your head and knees and possibly a blanket to throw over yourself at the end.
Enjoy and I hope it helps you grab some zzzz's
Standing Arm Series 1
Standing arm series taken with weights. Probably not suitable if you have any shoulder issues. You will need (if you wish) 2 x tins of food/water bottles/mini weighted balls or small weights. 0.5kg is plenty for me personally as I don't want to overload the body - better to have great form throughout the body and lighter weights than loosing your control and precision.
Strong - Upper Body
14 minute challenging upper body sequence. Not suitable for those with an upper body injury or issues.
Hold your form throughout - ribcage connected and shoulder blades wide with the chest lifted
50 Minute Mixed Ability Flow class taken from our May classes during lockdown.
You will need a Pilates ball or cushion for your knees and towel for your head.
Can you spot the rouge pencil and 6 (!!) edits as had a disaster making this one!!
Nourish Pilates 3 - Just Move
40 minute equipment free full body workout.
Mini Ball Series - One
You will need a Pilates mini ball to enjoy some of the challenges this fabulous piece of equipment can give you! Suitable for most beginners and mixed ability and great as an introduction to the mini ball!!
Stretch & Flow
30 minutes of stretching and mobilising. Moving the spine in all directions and mobilising in a flowing manner.
You will need a small Pilates weighted ball or cushion, block or cushion and towel.
Magic Circle 1
25 minutes of magic!
Explore the magic circle and find the connections that it can offer deepening your practice and your movements.
Band, Ball & Bicycle
55 minutes in duration and taken from our classes in June 2020 where our focus was prepping for 'Bicycle'.
Suitable for mixed ability (not gentle or those new to Pilates).and taken from our 4th week so may be challenging at times.
You will need an inflatable Pilates ball, theraband, towel for head and to sit on.
If you do not have a Pilates ball you may use a doubled up cushion between the knees instead and keep the pelvis on the floor for the section taken on the ball.
Please ensure your equipment is fit for purpose and remember not every exercise is suitable for everyone.
Alignment and All The A's!
First of the summer 2020 classes with a focus on alignment, abs, arms and ass!!!
Mixed ability class and you are encouraged to work to your level and rest where needed.
Stretch, Mobilise and Flow
55 minutes of heaven to make you feel relaxed, stretched, mobilsed yet still worked in a mindful manner.
You will need a small ball or cushion for your knees if you have one.
I had to re-record the end and in doing so accidently missed out balancing in side lying on the second side!!! Please feel free to pause the video and pop it in
Going Classical - Finding Space
Looking at finding space in the classical repertoire. You may use a Pilates inflatable ball at one point if you wish but don't worry if not. Please choose your levels wisely and ensure you feel secure before moving on to the next level. Not every exercise is for everyone so if needs be take a breather and join in the next exercise.
Enjoy and feel elongated and strong!
Balance & Stability
Balance needs to be promoted through practice to ensure we do not lose this vital life giving skill as we grow older and become more susceptible to trips and falls. Challenge your balance and stability in a fun way in this 55 minute class. It doesn't need to be pretty - just balanced!! If balance isn't your best feature then please use a high back chair (dining clair is perfect) to help you find your balance safely. You will need an inflatable Pilates ball (a mini weighted ball could be used as a substitute) to challenge your stability for a couple of exercises. Enjoy!
Footwork and Flow
A 55-minute flowing class that has a focus on the feet and using an inflatable ball.
Please note it was recorded whilst teaching so I do not demonstrate fully. Please note not all classes are the same so may vary from your class-plan. Please adjust accordingly where needed.
12 Days Of Christmas 2020
40 mins of singing, fun, snow, and Christmas joy! Have fun and maybe grab a mat at the end and finish with some stretches that you enjoy and a chill-out. Merry Christmas gorgeous people.