move - live - love
Please click on the image below to be buzzed away to the Nourish Pilates class swop board.
All swops must be taken within the current term and be registered within 8 hours of a class. The more notice the better as you will have more options to chose from!
* Class swops are designed for when you are on holiday, poorly or unable to attend your regular class due to another commitment (eg. parents evening or change of working hours).
* All classes eligible for a 'swop' must be registered within 8 hours of your class to qualify.
* Any classes registered as a swop must be taken with the current term - no classes can be carried over.
* If no classes are available for the same week you are welcome to come and catch up during another week in the same term.
* Please try and keep your class swops to a minimum - I have not set a limit or too many restrictions, but have opted for an honesty policy.